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Module @react-md/app-bar


Type aliases


AppBarHeight: "none" | "normal" | "prominent" | "dense" | "prominent-dense"

AppBars have multiple heights available:

  • "none" - the height is derived by the children of the AppBar
  • "normal" - the height is set to a static height of $rmd-app-bar-height
  • "prominent" - the height is set to a static height of $rmd-app-bar-prominent-height
  • "dense" - the height is set to a static height of $rmd-app-bar-dense-height.
  • "prominent-dense" - the height is set to a static height of $rmd-app-bar-prominent-dense-height

Note: The "dense" specs can automatically be enabled with the rmd-app-bar-dense-theme mixin instead of changing this value

You'll normally want to use the "normal" or "prominent" height values for your app, but the "none" value is useful if you want to use the AppBar for styling purposes only for other components like Tabs.


AppBarPosition: "top" | "bottom"


AppBarTheme: "clear" | "primary" | "secondary" | "default"



APP_BAR_OFFSET_CLASSNAME: "rmd-app-bar-offset" = "rmd-app-bar-offset"

A classname to apply to an element that should be offset either with padding or margin by the height of a normal App Bar.


APP_BAR_OFFSET_DENSE_CLASSNAME: "rmd-app-bar-offset--dense" = "rmd-app-bar-offset--dense"

A classname to apply to an element that should be offset either with padding or margin by the height of a dense App Bar.


APP_BAR_OFFSET_PROMINENT_CLASSNAME: "rmd-app-bar-offset--prominent" = "rmd-app-bar-offset--prominent"

A classname to apply to an element that should be offset either with padding or margin by the height of a prominent App Bar.


APP_BAR_OFFSET_PROMINENT_DENSE_CLASSNAME: "rmd-app-bar-offset--prominent-dense" = "rmd-app-bar-offset--prominent-dense"

A classname to apply to an element that should be offset either with padding or margin by the height of a prominent and dense App Bar.

Const AppBar

AppBar: ForwardRefExoticComponent<AppBarProps & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> = ...

This component is used to create a top-level app bar in your application that can be used to contain a navigation menu toggle button, the app's logo and/or title, as well as any top-level actions that will be reused throughout your app. When using this component with the fixed prop, it is recommended to also use one of the "offset class names" so that your content will not be converted by the app bar. You can also use any of the exposed mixins to add these offsets as well.

Const AppBarAction

AppBarAction: ForwardRefExoticComponent<AppBarActionProps & RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>> = ...

This component is really just a simple wrapper for the Button component that adds a few additional styles to prevent the button from shrinking when an AppBar has a lot of content. It also will automatically add spacing either before or after this button when the first or last props are provided.

Const AppBarNav

AppBarNav: ForwardRefExoticComponent<AppBarNavProps & RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>> = ...

This component is really just a simple wrapper for the Button component that adds some additional styles for adding spacing before and after this button so that it aligns to the main "keyline" of your application's navigation. In simpler terms, it will make the left side of the icon in this button aligns with all the other icons that appear in ListItems in your main navigation.

This component is generally really only used when you want to have a temporary navigation element like a hamburger menu.

Const AppBarTitle

AppBarTitle: ForwardRefExoticComponent<AppBarTitleProps & RefAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>> = ...

This component is used to create a title for your application. If your app is not using the AppBarNav component, you can enable the keyline prop to ensure that your title aligns with the keyline of your navigation element.



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